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Autonomous vehicles - part of comprehensive planning in Gothenburg

"Autonomous vehicles - A part comprehensive planning for central Gothenburg" is a project about spatial planning, with a focus on autonomous vehicles and transport systems. The project aims to highlight problems, obstacles and opportunities that planning means for autonomous vehicles. 

Although it will take at least ten years before we have a transport system which includes a large proportion of autonomous vehicles, the development of urban planning, and defining planning conditions for this community, must start now. The goal is to show how a comprehensive plan might look like if we are planning with the assumption that autonomous vehicles and transport systems are in use in the not too distant future. The aim is to demonstrate the possibilities of the new technology and how this will effect urban planning and development but also to show what is required of technology development to provide the benefits of cities and society that is highlighted. The project will in large part follow and be part of the traditional planning process, which means that the planning process, coordination groups, steering group, political tuning etc. can be used as well as the dialogue process. This provides good opportunities for communication concerning autonomous transportation system and its role in cities and urban planning. There will be a particular focus on interaction with stakeholders in Sweden Drive, Drive Me and the other players in the current SIP and cooperation programs and other relevant sectors such as IT and the service sector. There are few arenas today where urban planners talk and discuss urban development with representatives from the IT and automotive industries.

Purpose and goal

Since the issue of a future with autonomous vehicles has been raised and discussed within the framework of the comprehensive plan for central Gothenburg, the influence of autonomous vehicles on urban planning has received a more concrete and comprehensible framework and has been discussed in terms of urban life, living environments and urban spaces. The future scenario shows various examples of opportunities, positive effects and a form of impact assessment related to the overall goals of the city and the goals in the comprehensive plan for central Gothenburg.

Expected results and effects

Much remain unclear regarding autonomous vehicles. To be able to use autonomous vehicles and transportation system as a part of future mobility more data is needed. The study shows that the technology could be used to achieve higher goal fulfillment, but in many cases a conscious regulation and control is required for the technology to contribute in a positive way. It has also become clear that the consequences of autonomous driving need to be addressed, made possible or prevented, in all different levels of urban planning.

Planned approach and implementation

A consultant has been involved to work with scenarios, workshops, study of the impact on spatial planning, impact assessment. The project has been carried out with a strong connection to the comprehensive plan through consulting participation in the planning group, but also by the fact that the project manager for the comprehensive plan has had a great involvement in the consultant work. Through the workshops the issue of autonomous vehicles and urban planning has been discussed in a larger context and with different kind of stakeholders.

Project period
May 2017 - September 2019

Anna Svensson,

Vinnova number