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How a Drive Sweden project is created

To create collaborations through innovative projects is central to Drive Sweden. Our projects enable actors from business, public sector, academia and institutes to innovate with an impact. Project applications need to harmonize with and add to our goals and program logic.

En person skriver på en genomskinlig whiteboard. Foto: Kvalifik on Unsplash.

Att skapa samarbeten genom innovationsprojekt är centralt i Drive Swedens verksamhet. I våra projekt banar aktörer från näringsliv, offentliga organisationer, universitet och forskningsinstitut tillsammans väg för innovation som gör skillnad. Vinnova, Energimyndigheten och FORMAS erbjuder en 50-procentig medfinansiering av projekten, vilket gör det möjligt för organisationer att experimentera och testa nya idéer utan att de måste generera vinst. Projekt beviljas antingen genom öppna utlysningar eller genom vår process för enskilda projekt. Ansökningar bedöms mot programmets vision, vår programlogik och innovationsagenda.

Our projects enable organizations to experiment and test new ideas without them having to be profitable. This is made possible by a setup where Vinnova and the Swedish Energy Agency co-finance the projects with up to 50 percent. We distribute funding to two types of projects: what we call strategic projects and projects that are created through open calls. The processes for the creation of these projects differ, but are conjoined by a transparent and open application and decision process. Below, you can see an illustration of our project process and how we initiate new projects.

Drive Sweden projektgenerering
Personer använder sig av hyrcyklar, elsparkcykel och kollektivtrafik.

Open call 2023 - Safe and sustainable use of small vehicles using digital technology

The call "Safe and sustainable use of small vehicles using digital technology" closed May 3. Seven projects were granted financial support and the work is up and running. Below is a list of the projects and via the links you can read about each project.
Arbetsprocess på en whiteboard. Foto: UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Nästa öppna utlysning

Än så länge är inte nästa utlysning planerad.

Fyra personer presenterar på en scen


Every year, Drive Sweden, through Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas, co-finances around twenty projects with one or more parties. The results are discussed at our annual Drive Sweden Forum and in different types of program activities such as workshops and knowledge seminars. Read more about our projects here.