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The Subway's Future Hinges on Off-peak Riders

A new report highlights the impact of the pandemic on public transport systems like New York City’s subway. Ridership has finally reached 2020 levels, but the system is on financial life support.
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How Do You Know Self-Driving Cars Are Safe?

Simulation a common, if not the only, option for training and testing autonomous vehicles. But how different is it from training an autonomous system in the real world and who will be deciding if...
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The International Transport Forum Defines New Mobility

The International Transport Forum (ITF), a part of the OECD, has recently published a report laying out the characteristics for a definition of what counts as New Mobility.
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Keep or Not to Keep...Data for Self-Driving Vehicles?

Data maximization is the idea that the more data collected the smarter an autonomous system could get. Autonomy companies have long had this approach, but that appears to be changing.
US Autotech - Business Sweden

Looking för business opportunities in the US?

As a partner in Drive Sweden, you’re welcome to apply for partnership in Business Sweden's time limited program US AutoTech. The program includes support, contacts and opportunities to create new...
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France Intends to Invest 2 Billion Euros on Improving Bicycle Usage

The French government has announced plans to invest €2 billion in improving the country's cycling infrastructure and encouraging people to purchase bikes.
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Waymo Expands in Phoenix to Cover Twice the Area

Doubling the area it covers with its commercial robotaxi services Waymo will connect new suburbs and previously isolated sections while increasing scaling its operations.
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Lesson from Tokyo: How to Become a Human-centric City

Tokyo is one of the most anti-car big cities in the world, even though it is impossible to say so about the rest of Japan. How did Tokyo resist the car?
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Tracking Movements: A New Tool for City Planners?

New York has started using sensors that track movements of up to nine modes of movement at various intersections.
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Paris Set to Ban E-Scooter Sharing

Paris is set to become the first European capital to ban shared e-scooters . Will this start a trend that other cities follow?
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Waymo Publishes a Blueprint for Autonomous Vehicle Safety

Waymo publishes a blueprint for a safety case for autonomous vehicle operations to gain public trust and encourage transparency in the industry.
Deltagarna under Drive Swedens Lunch & Learn 24 mars 2023.

VIDEO: Insikter från införandet av tredjepartsförsäljning av kollektivtrafikbiljetter

Det här Lunch & Learn webinariet handlade om hur det gick när Trafikförvaltningen i Stockholm (SL) och Västtrafik öppnade upp sina system för att låta andra parter sälja deras kollektivtrafikbiljetter...

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A blurry picture of a city and traffic at night.
Startbild- Forum-sep2023


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